Tag Placenta


Placenta Our body has many organs, like the heart, lungs and stomach. These organs are present in our body from the time of our birth and work incessantly to keep us alive and healthy. But, did you know that when…

Human Reproduction-Concept

Human Reproduction-Concept 1 Testes 1. Testes are the primary reproductive organs in the males. They are located in a pair in the scrotal sac outside the abdomen. They are endocrine in nature. 2. In the embryo stage the testis are…

Human Reproduction-Notes

Human Reproduction-Notes 1Human Male Reproductive SystemOverview on Human Male Reproductive System The male reproductive system consists of a pair of testes, accessory ducts, glands and the external genitalia. Testes or TesticlesTestes are located outside the abdominal cavity within a pouch known as the scrotum. The role of the scrotum…

Human Reproduction-Diagrams

Human Reproduction-Diagrams 1Male Reproductive System 2Female Reproductive System 3Section of a Seminiferous Tubule 4Section of a Mammary Gland 5Structure of a Human Sperm 6Structure of an Egg 7Gametogenesis: Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis 8Menstrual Cycle 9Fertilization 10Embryonic Development 11Human Foetus Inside the…

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