Mr. Mavi is a Maths teacher who is working in KV Gachibowli Hyderabad. In his class X, total 80 students are there. He decided to teach them as per their capabilities. So, he conducted one revision test on the basis of class IX result. The maximum marks were 50. There were 12
students who scored less than 10 marks. Shruthi who got 3 marks was handed over a red card as an intimation to work hard for one month and show improvement, as she scored the least in the class. Anish was presented a badge of honour for scoring the highest in the class. He scored 48 marks. Best performer badge given to Anish. Mr. Kumar prepared a frequency distribution table for the data of the marks obtained by the students in the revision test as follows:
(d) Find the range of the marks obtained by the students.
(i) 31 (ii) 37.25 (iii) 41.25 (iv) 45
Ans: 45
(e) Mr. Mavi formed Section A for those who scored above 40; Section B for those who scored between 30 and 40; Section C for those who scored between 20 and 30 and Section D for those who scored below 20. How many students were there in Section D.
(i) 12 (ii) 16 (iii) 28 (iv) 49