Category After

Chapter 78 – After

Chapter 78 – After I have only ever seen condoms in sex ed class, where they seemed so intimating. But right here, right now, I just want to yank it out of Hardin’s hand and put it on him as…

Chapter 77 – After

Chapter 77 – After I am beyond annoyed at Hardin’s unnecessary attitude, but I try to forget it and brush the tangles out of my wet hair and put on the light pink lingerie I bought today. I slip a…

Chapter 76 – After

Chapter 76 – After When I get back to my car after the best first day possible, I call Hardin, but he doesn’t answer. I want to tell him about how great my morning has been and ask him why…

Chapter 75 – After

Chapter 75 – After Hardin ends up staying the night in my room after Steph goes to Tristan’s apartment with him. The rest of the night we spend talking and kissing before Hardin finally falls asleep with his head on…

Chapter 74 – After

Chapter 74 – After Hardin’s eyes follow mine and widen as he sees her. He reaches for my hand, but I pull away and step out in front of him. “Hi, Moth—” “What the hell are you thinking!” she yells…

Chapter 73 – After

Chapter 73 – After The emptiness that I feel after dropping Hardin off is strange, and makes me feel a bit pathetic. After the short drive back to my room, it already feels as if I dropped him off hours…

Chapter 72 – After

Chapter 72 – After Hardin slams his bedroom door as I reach the top of the stairs. I turn the knob, half-expecting it to be locked, but it opens. “Hardin, are you okay?” I ask, unsure what else to say.…

Chapter 71 – After

Chapter 71 – After His fingers grip the bottom of his shirt, pulling it over his head, and he reaches behind me to turn on the shower. “We can’t just take a shower together! We’re at your father’s house, and…

Chapter 70 – After

Chapter 70 – After I remove my clothes and take a quick shower, even though I’m going to get dirty gardening with Karen. Hardin waits patiently, fiddling through my underwear drawer to keep himself busy. When I’m done, he tells…

Chapter 69 – After

Chapter 69 – After I wake up to Hardin snoring lightly, his lips pressed to my ear. My back is tight against his chest and his legs are hooked around mine. Memories from last night bring a smile to my…

Chapter 68 – After

Chapter 68 – After Eventually we stop kissing and I go to sit at the foot of the bed, and Hardin follows me, sitting up by the headboard. “Okay, now tell me who you fought with; was it Zed?” I…

Chapter 67 – After

Chapter 67 – After Karen and Ken are sitting on the couch in the living room and both look up when we walk in. “Hardin! What happened?” his father asks, panicked. He jumps up and comes over to us, but…

Chapter 66 – After

Chapter 66 – After I take a second to think about what I am doing. I left Zed to go find Hardin, but I really need to think about what will happen next. Hardin will either say terrible things to…

Chapter 65 – After

Chapter 65 – After Pulling into the spot next to Landon, I text Zed to tell him that I have arrived. He writes back immediately with a note to meet him at the far left corner of the field. I…

Chapter 64 – After

Chapter 64 – After After class I say goodbye to Landon and walk straight to the professor to explain my absences. He congratulates me on my internship and explains that he rearranged the syllabus a little. I keep our conversation…

Chapter 63 – After

Chapter 63 – After The salesman is a creep and smells like stale cigarettes, but I can’t be picky any longer. After an hour of negotiating, I write him a check for the down payment and he gives me the…

Chapter 62 – After

Chapter 62 – After When I wake up, it takes me a moment to remember that I am not in bed with Hardin. The sun is peacefully shining through the bay window and as I look over, I catch sight…

Chapter 61 – After

Chapter 61 – After After I finally stop sobbing, Landon quietly asks, “Did I hear him say that he loves you?” “Yeah . . . I don’t know . . . He was just trying to cause a scene or…

Chapter 60 – After

Chapter 60 – After I have never been very athletic, but my adrenaline is in full effect and I push my legs to go faster. I reach the end of the street, but begin to tire. Where the hell am…

Chapter 59 – After

Chapter 59 – After swallow it back down with my drink. I give a fake laugh and continue to drink out of my cup as we make our way back to the others. Zed takes a seat on the floor…

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