Category After

Chapter 58 – After

Chapter 58 – After During my walk back to my room I realize how foolish I have been, expecting Hardin to be different than before. I should have known better. I should have known that this was too good to…

Chapter 57 – After

Chapter 57 – After The next morning I wake up before Hardin and manage to roll him off me and untangle our legs without waking him. The memory of him saying my name in relief and all the secrets about…

Chapter 56 – After

Chapter 56 – After I stare out the passenger window, not wanting to speak first. After a couple of blocks, Hardin turns the radio on and then turns it up too loud. I roll my eyes but try to ignore…

Chapter 55 – After

Chapter 55 – After Landon stays quiet during most of my explanation of my breakup with Noah and my question about what to call my relationship with Hardin, since I think we’re dating but we haven’t exactly discussed it with…

Chapter 54 – After

Chapter 54 – After After lying in Hardin’s arms for a few minutes, I begin to think about my agreement to stay with Hardin tonight. “What about my shower in the morning?” I remind him. “You can take one here,…

Chapter 53 – After

Chapter 53 – After Hardin’s fingers trail farther up my shirt, causing my breath to quicken. A smile creeps onto his beautiful face as he becomes aware. “One touch and you’re already panting,” his raspy voice whispers. He leans over,…

Chapter 52 – After

Chapter 52 – After When Hardin finally breaks our kiss, he sits on my bed and I join him. We’re quiet for a few minutes, so I begin to feel nervous, like there is some way I should be behaving…

Chapter 51 – After

Chapter 51 – After The car ride is awkward. I hold my clothes on my lap and stare out the window, waiting to see if Hardin is going to break the silence that hangs between us. He makes no move…

Chapter 50 – After

Chapter 50 – After I pick up the clothes Hardin brought me to wear: one of his signature black T- shirts, a pair of red-and-gray plaid pants, and some large black socks. I laugh at the idea of Hardin actually…

Chapter 49 – After

Chapter 49 – After Karen has made lots of sweets for us to eat. I eat a few while she and I discuss her love for baking. Landon doesn’t join us in the dining room but it doesn’t seem to…

Chapter 48 – After

Chapter 48 – After Karen smiled appreciatively when I offered to help with the cleanup, and seemed a little surprised I would. I load the dishwasher while she washes the large serving plates. I realize the plates all look really…

Chapter 47 – After

Chapter 47 – After I rush out the back door and see Hardin pacing back and forth on the deck. I’m not sure what I can do to help the situation, but I know I would rather be out here…

Chapter 46 – After

Chapter 46 – After The drive to Hardin’s father’s house is nice. The low music in the background of his car feels like a distraction, and I notice the way his hands are gripping the steering wheel a little too…

Chapter 45 – After

Chapter 45 – After I call out Hardin’s name, but he ignores me. When he gets halfway to the car, he spins around so quickly that I almost crash into him. “What the hell, Tessa! What the fuck was that?”…

Chapter 44 – After

Chapter 44 – After After a stop to use the toilet, I come out and don’t see or hear Hardin in the showers, so my mind of course starts worrying that he went off somewhere with those girls. He didn’t…

Chapter 43 – After

Chapter 43 – After My alarm goes off too early and I roll over. I lift my hand, smacking at it to stop the hideous beeping assaulting my ears. My hand smacks against a soft, warm surface, and I blink…

Chapter 42 – After

Chapter 42 – After The faint sound of buzzing floats through my dream in a steady pattern. Why won’t it stop? I roll over, not wanting to wake up, but the obnoxious sound insists that I do. I’m disoriented, and…

Chapter 41 – After

Chapter 41 – After I take out my notes and textbooks and dive into my studies. I am working on next week’s assignments. I like to stay ahead one week at least so there is no chance I fall behind.…

Chapter 40 – After

Chapter 40 – After No matter how hard I tried to avoid seeing him all week, I somehow end up in his car with him. He doesn’t look at me as I get in or while I buckle my seat…

Chapter 39 – After

Chapter 39 – After After Steph has plucked my eyebrows—a procedure that hurt worse than I ever imagined—she turns me around and refuses to let me see myself until she’s done putting on my makeup. I fight the nervous feeling…

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