CHAPTER 11 : Part 2 – Shogun

CHAPTER 11 : Part 2 – Shogun   “Yes. It’s our custom, Sire. To be paid and to have a share of all plun—of all trade and all enemy goods captured.”   “So you’re a mercenary?”   “I was hired…

CHAPTER 11 : Part 1 – Shogun

CHAPTER 11 : Part 1 – Shogun Yoshi Naga, officer of the watch, was a mean-tempered, dangerous youth of seventeen. “Good morning, Sire. Welcome back.”   “Thank you. Lord Toranaga’s expecting me.”   “Yes.” Even if Hiro-matsu had not been…

CHAPTER 10 : Part 2 – Shogun

CHAPTER 10 : Part 2 – Shogun   “Do you want to rest now?”   “No, Ingeles. Talking’s better. Talking helps to take the pain away. Madonna, my head hurts! I can’t think clearly. Let’s talk until you go ashore.…

CHAPTER 10 : Part 1 – Shogun

CHAPTER 10 : Part 1 – Shogun  Their journey from the bay to Osaka was uneventful. Rodrigues’ rutters were explicit and very accurate. During the first night Rodrigues regained consciousness. In the beginning he thought he was dead but the…

CHAPTER 9 : Part 2 – Shogun

CHAPTER 9 : Part 2 – Shogun You will be my vassal, Anjin-san!   He went down the side of the cliff with great skill. When he was halfway down he slipped. His left hand held onto an outcrop. This…

CHAPTER 9 : Part 1 – Shogun

CHAPTER 9 : Part 1 – Shogun  They were quickly on land. Blackthorne intended to lead but Yabu usurped that position and set a strong pace, which he was hard put to keep up with. The other six samurai were…

CHAPTER 8 : Part 3 – Shogun

CHAPTER 8 : Part 3 – Shogun   “Hai, Anjin-san?” the mate asked. He was a middle-aged man with strong white teeth and a broad, weatherbeaten face. A livid bruise marked his cheek where the sea had battered him against…

CHAPTER 8 : Part 2 – Shogun

CHAPTER 8 : Part 2 – Shogun   He opened the well-oiled lock and took out his private rutter to check some bearings for the nearest haven and his eyes saw the sealed packet the priest, Father Sebastio, had given…

CHAPTER 8 : Part 1 – Shogun

CHAPTER 8 : Part 1 – Shogun   “What do you think, Ingeles?”   “I think there’ll be a storm.”   “When?”   “Before sunset.”   It was near noon and they were standing on the quarterdeck of the galley…

CHAPTER 7 : Part 5 – Shogun

CHAPTER 7 : Part 5 – Shogun   “Iyé,” the samurai said, shaking his head. “Kasigi Yabu-sama!”   “IYÉ?” Rodrigues said. “Kasigi Yabu-sama? I’m from Toda Hiro-matsu-sama, who’s a bigger king than your bugger and Toady-sama’s from Toranaga-sama, who’s the…

CHAPTER 7 : Part 4 – Shogun

CHAPTER 7 : Part 4 – Shogun   “Forty-nine degrees fifty-six minutes North—and watch out for the reefs that bear sou’ by sou’west.”   “You’re the pilot, by God!” Rodrigues shook Blackthorne’s hand warmly. “Come aboard. There’s food and brandy…

CHAPTER 7 : Part 3 – Shogun

CHAPTER 7 : Part 3 – Shogun   What about the barbarians? Now they’re your only profit from the ship. How can you use them? Wait, didn’t Omi give you the answer? You could use their knowledge of the sea…

CHAPTER 7 : Part 2 – Shogun

CHAPTER 7 : Part 2 – Shogun   What about the barbarians? Now they’re your only profit from the ship. How can you use them? Wait, didn’t Omi give you the answer? You could use their knowledge of the sea…

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