

  • Inability to produce children is known as infertility.
  • Reasons for infertility may be:
  1. Physical
  2. Congenital
  3. Psychological
  4. Hormonal
  5. Diseases and drugs

Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART)Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) make it possible for childless couples to bear children. These are of the following types:
1. In vitro fertilization (IVF)/Test Tube Baby –
 Here gametic fusion is carried outside the body in sterile conditions. After the embryo is developed, Embryo Transfer (ET) is done.

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2. Zygotic Intra Fallopian Transfer (ZIFT) – Zygote or embryo with =< 8 blastomeres is directly transferred into the fallopian tube or uterus.

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3. Gametic Intra Fallopian Transfer (GIFT) – It involves the transfer of gametes from a donor female into the body of a female who can house it but cannot produce an egg. 

4. Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) – Direct injection of sperm into the ovum. 

5. Artificial Insemination (AI) – Sperm from a donor is inserted into the vagina or uterus of a female.

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