Reproduction in Organism-Shortcuts to learn

Reproduction in Organism-Shortcuts to learn

1 Dioecious and Monoecious Condition

Dioecious and Monoecious are two conditions that help us to know about the sexuality of an organism.Go through the given illustration which will help you to remember the difference easily.

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2 Heterothallic and Homothallic Condition

In sexual reproduction, individuals of opposite sex interact physically to produce genetically different and, better adapted offspring. Groups like fungi and some algae demonstrate two conditions of sexual reproduction, viz., homothallic and heterothallic.In homothallic condition, the prerequisites for sexual reproduction occur in the same organism while in a heterothallic condition, sexual reproduction requires the presence of two partners.Homo = SameHetero = Different ; Thallus= A plant-like vegetative body.Go through the given table for a quick revision of the difference between the two conditions.

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3 Types of Syngamy

Organisms reproducing sexually exhibit three types of syngamy. Gametes involved in fusion may be morphologically and physiologically similar or dissimilar in different groups of organisms.Let us learn how to remember the different types of gametes and the processes they are involved in.

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