Chapter 156 – 160

Chapter 156 – 160 An Understated Dominance

Chapter 156

“What? How did this happen?” Caden’s expression clouded over as he leaped up instantly.

“I–I don’t know! I found her out cold when I went to wake her up this morning.” The maid was in an anxious mess.

Before she could finish her sentence, Caden and Lily had already bolted out the door and rushed to their daughter’s room. However, the sight that greeted them when they entered frightened them.

Sheila laid unmoving on the Sunburst emerald bed, which originally radiated heat off its surface, but was then covered in a thin sheet of ice.

Her face was completely devoid of any color whatsoever, her limbs were cold and rigid, and there was frost building up on her brows and hair. There were even wisps of white mist coming off her body.

At first glance, she looked like she had just been brought out of an ice cave of some sort.

“Sheila!” Lily panicked and threw herself on her daughter, rubbing her arms and breathing warm air on her in an attempt to warm her up.

“This is bad!” Caden’s expression was as dark as night as he went up to Sheila and felt for her pulse, only to find it barely there. Even her breath was faint. She looked like she would not last another day.

Caden did not have the luxury of time to consider this any further. He immediately channeled his internal energy over to Sheila.

Soon, the frost around her started to melt. But Sheila’s body remained cold and rigid, and she still wasn’t coming around.

“Lily, quick! Call Dr. Shane! Get him here pronto!” Caden hurriedly instructed.

Though his internal energy was sufficient to keep his daughter’s pulse going, it was not going to hold up for much longer.

“Okay!” Without a moment to waste, Lily called a number straight away.

However, her face fell after a short conversation. “Dr. Shane is on his way here, but he reckons that he can only reach here by nightfall.”

“By nightfall? That’d be too late!”

Caden frowned. “Inform Claudia about this. Get her to find all the doctors available in Swinton. I want all of them here!”

“Alright!” Lily went out to make another call.

Before the hour was up, Claudia, though distressed, had arrived with a group of doctors in tow.

Some of them were heads of departments, some were professors, and some were experts in their fields. But every doctor in the whole of Swinton, who was even the least bit well–known, was present.

“Whoever saves my daughter will receive a handsome reward from us, the Murrays!” Caden cut right to the chase and promised them what seemed like a great temptation.

“Be at ease, Mr. Murray, we will do our best!” The doctors were all motivated by the promise.

When they heard that it was the Murrays they were helping out, they figured that the opportunity for their big break had come. Everyone knew the Murrays‘ status.

If they could cure Shelia of whatever disease she had, they would not only make a name for themselves, but they would also make acquaintances with the Murrays.

By then, not only would they have gained fame and earned favor from the Murrays, but they would even walk away with a huge sum of money. Of course, they were going to go for it!

However, when they eagerly went in to check on Sheila’s condition, one by one their brows furrowed and a troubled look took over their faces.

They realized that whatever Sheila was suffering from was indeed strange. She was icy cold all over, with cold air coming off her. It was beyond anything they’d ever seen or heard.

For a brief moment, nobody dared to take any action.

“Doctors, there are so many of you here, please don’t tell me that there’s nothing any of you can do?” Caden grimaced at them.

“Well…” They all looked around sheepishly and kept quiet.

“A bunch of rubbish!” Caden’s expression darkened. Though he had not held much hope that they would be able to cure his daughter, the outcome was still infuriating.

“Uncle Caden! Sheila’s in really bad shape!” Claudia exclaimed.

They looked over to find that Sheila, who was still lying on the emerald bed, was getting colder with each passing moment. Her breath was also extremely feeble.

“Oh no! Her condition has taken a turn for the worst!” Caden’s brows were tightly knit.

The channeling of his internal energy to Sheila could only help for so long. It would not be able to cure her.

“What do we do? Sheila is going to be alright, won’t she?” Claudia panicked.

They had grown up together, and their relationship was like that of sisters. Naturally, she did not wish for anything bad to befall her.

“Caden, why don’t we give this a try?” Lily took out a red pill.

It was the pill that Dustin gave them. She had not been able to bring herself to just throw it out, so she kept it in her pocket the whole time.

“Are you kidding me? How can this help Sheila?” Caden made a face.

“Just give it a try. We do not have any better options, do we? Who knows, it might just work!” Lily’s expression was solemn.

If she had a choice, she would not put her daughter’s life at risk too. But the situation was dire, and the doctors were helpless. Dr. Shane was still on his way, and they had no other options. She had to resort to every possible way to save her daughter.

“What if it’s poisonous?” Caden hesitated.

“Since he dares to come up to us, he must have a certain level of confidence in what he’s doing. And I think that it is not likely he’d spike the pill with any sort of poison, after all, I do not believe that anyone would do something as imprudent as going against the entire Murray household,” Lily expounded.

Caden fell silent.

He took a glance at his daughter, who was icy cold all over, and he clenched his jaws. Then, with a decisive nod, he said, “Alright then! Let’s give it a try.”

Lily drew a deep breath before she took the pill and fed it to Sheila.

The pill was quick to dissolve, and it slid down Sheila’s throat. As soon as it reached her stomach, the pill began to work its wonders.

The effect was almost immediate as the cold air around Sheila began to dissipate, and a moment later, wisps of warm breath began to escape her.

At the same time, the frost that had formed on her brows and hair melted away rapidly.

Her body, which had been rigid with coldness, began to warm up and eased up, and a healthy hue of redness crept up her countenance. Even her breath grew steady.

“It works!” Lily’s eyes lit up with excitement.

Though they did not know what the pill was made of, its effects were apparent. It did indeed rid their daughter of the coldness within her.

“Could it be possible that the rascal was telling the truth?” Caden’s eyes widened in disbelief.

He had thought that Dustin was just a scammer who was out to cheat him of his money and demand an unreasonable sum.

It had never occurred to him that the pill, which he had considered trash and almost thrown away, would save his daughter in their time of need!

“Uncle Caden, Aunt Lily, where did this pill come from? It’s miraculous!” Claudia was amazed.

“Claudia, do you remember the rascal who saved the both of you yesterday?” Caden asked.

“Of course I do! Who knows where he came from. He might be dangerous!”

“He was the one who gave us the pill.”

“What?” Claudia’s eyes widened in shock.

Chapter 157

After getting to know the whole situation, Claudia was not the only one who was surprised. Even Lily was astounded too.

Had she known Dustin’s identity, she would not have let Caden drive him away so easily. After all, he had helped her daughter!

“It’s fortunate that nothing serious happened. Had we thrown the pill away, Sheila would have been in grave danger!” Lily shuddered to think of what could have happened.

She considered herself lucky that she still had the pill with her, or the consequences would have been unimaginable.

“Sheila is safe for the time being, but the coldness within her has yet to be completely eliminated.”

After checking on Sheila, Caden ordered, “Claudia, go to the medical center and get Dustin here.”

“But Uncle Caden, you don’t really believe that the fellow can cure Sheila, do you?” Claudia’s expression was one of disbelief. She had a preconceived notion that Dustin wasn’t a trustworthy person.

“I’d just like to see what treatment plans he has to propose,” Caden clarified. Of course, he did not think that a youngster in his twenties would have any mind–blowing medical skills.

But the fact was that the pill he gave them proved to have phenomenal effects, so he was curious as to where he got the pill from.

“Claudia, listen to your Uncle Caden. Sheila’s condition is of utmost importance. We should get him here to see what information he is able to provide us,” Lily urged.

“Alright.” Claudia nodded reluctantly.

Over at Peaceful Medical Center, Dustin made himself a pot of tea when he got back. He poured a cup for himself, and another for Hunter.

Hunter took his tea respectfully.

Dustin and Hunter had known each other for years, but they had never had tea together before.

“Mr. Rhys, didn’t you say that you need the Gozoraberry? Have you given up on it already?” Hunter asked curiously when he saw how laid back Dustin was.

“Of course not! I’m just waiting for the right opportunity.” Dustin sipped on his tea.

“The right opportunity?” Hunter found it difficult to understand what Dustin was implying.

“According to what I observed yesterday. Sheila will be experiencing another bout of attacks soon. And this time, it will be much worse than it had been before. No one in Swinton will be able to help her.” he said calmly.

“So that’s why you left them with the pill? So that they will come to you of their own accord?” Hunter quickly understood.

“That’s right. Actions speak louder than words. It’s much more practical to prove myself with actions than to try and convince them with words.” Dustin nodded.

“And what if, by any chance, Caden did not take you seriously and threw the pill away?” Hunter mused aloud.

“Then he would be sending his daughter to her grave with his own bare hands.” Dustin shook his head.

If he really acted so rashly, then he would have no one else but himself to blame.

Just as they were conversing, a black Hummer pulled up at the entrance. Claudia strode in with her head held high.

“Come with me, Dustin!” She commanded.

“Follow you? Where to?” Dustin continued to sip on his tea leisurely.

“Don’t play the fool with me! Of course, we’re going to Fallridge Haven!” Claudia frowned.

“Whatever for? We’re not welcome there. In fact, we were driven out just a while ago! I wouldn’t want to go back there and bring trouble on myself.” Dustin shook his head.

“You!” Claudia gritted her teeth. How she wished she could beat him up then and there.

“That was a misunderstanding. We won’t drive you out anymore.” She suppressed her anger.

“Even if you won’t drive us away, we’re still not going. What do you take us for, making us come and go as you wish?” Dustin took another sip of his tea.

“What exactly do you want?” Claudia was so angry that she was itching to hit someone.

“Sure, I can go over, but under one condition.”

“And what is that?”

“It’s simple. I want the Gozoraberry.”

“The Gozoraberry? That is meant to be used on Sheila. I cannot promise you that.” Claudia glowered.

“If you won’t agree to that, then we do not have a deal.” Dustin continued calmly, “I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again: The Gozora berry will not cure Sheila of her disease. If you can’t make the call, then get me someone who can.”

“Hmph!” Claudia huffed angrily as she whipped out her phone to give Caden a call and brief him about Dustin’s condition.

A while later, she nodded and looked Dustin in the eye.

“Uncle Caden has agreed to your condition. If you can cure Shella of her disease, then the Gozoraberry is yours, “Claudia said coldly,

“Deal!” Dustin smiled.

He got into Claudia’s car, and they made their way to Fallridge Haven, leaving Hunter astonished and in awe.

“As expected of Mr. Rhys! He has every move under his control!” Hunter thought to himself.

When Dustin returned to Fallridge Haven yet again, he noticed that a group of doctors had gathered around, and they were mostly people who were influential and of high status in Swinton’s medical field.

“You’ve finally returned, young man! Please, come in!” Lily greeted him enthusiastically the moment he entered.

It took him a moment to get over his discomfort.

“You said you could cure my daughter of her disease. Do you mean it?” Caden asked solemnly, as stern as ever.

“Of course. Surely I would not have come if I did not have the confidence to cure her. I just hope that you will make good on your promise, Mr. Murray.” Dustin smiled lightly.

“Of course, I will. But you’d best deliver your end of the promise,” Caden answered frostily.

“We’ll see in a bit.” Dustin did not bother to explain much more. He quickly went forward to the emerald bed to check Sheila’s pulse.

Just as he predicted, she suffered from the rare disease of Polarfrost. It was an unusual condition that only came around once in a century.

People who suffered from such conditions had the potential to achieve great heights if they practiced a special form of martial arts, as it would greatly enhance their powers.

However, the problem was that people who suffered from the condition usually had very short lifespans.

The Polarfrost within them was like a great vortex that continually absorbed the coldness of the universe, so much so that the body was unable to take it.

New–born babies would usually die prematurely before they hit the age of one.

Fortunately for them, the Murrays were filthy rich, so Sheila had made it to this day from all the medication and herbs that she consumed.

However, the coldness that she had been absorbing all these years had reached a tipping point, and all the medications which had served to suppress it before were no longer effective.

“How is it? Can you cure her?” Caden asked skeptically.

“It’s a bit tricky, but I can do it.” Dustin nodded.

“Alright then, I’ll let you have a go. But bear in mind, if anything happens to my daughter, I’ll see that you pay for it severely!” Caden threatened.

“Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.”

Just as Dustin took out a needle and was about to apply it, a roar sounded at the door.

“Hold it!”

Chapter 158

“Stop whatever you’re doing!” The voice bellowed.

Xavier Horst strode in imposingly and shouted, “Uncle Caden, we do not know this man! We cannot let him put Sheila’s life at risk!”

“I understand that you’re worried for Sheila, Xavier. But we do not have any better alternatives now. He is our only hope.” Caden shook his head.

 “Who says we have not got any better alternatives? See who I brought!” Xavier gestured dramatically and directed everyone’s attention to the entrance.

In came a podgy old man dressed in a loose green robe. He made his way in confidently.

“Dr. Shane?” There was an instant uproar when everyone caught sight of him.

The doctors‘ seemed to have transformed into eager fanboys who met their idols. Their level of excitement was off the charts.

This was, after all, the world–renowned miracle healer, Dr. Malcolm Shane!

His expertise in acupuncture was one of a kind, and all these experts and professors were considered nothing compared to him.

“Dr. Shane?” Caden and the rest of them were initially astounded, but then it quickly turned into elation.

They were expecting him to arrive by nightfall, so it was a pleasant surprise that he managed to get there so soon.

“Didn’t you say you were delayed, Dr. Shane?” Lily asked inquisitively.

“Aunt Lily, I heard that Dr. Shane was held up by traffic and couldn’t make it here soon, so I flew a chopper over and picked him up from where he was. Fortunately, we’re still in time!” Xavier explained.

“That’s brilliant! How smart of you to think of that, Xavier! I’m proud of you!” Caden smiled. No doubt Dr. Shane’s presence calmed his nerves.”

“Thank you, Uncle Caden. Only doing what I should!” Xavier nodded modestly.

“Dr. Shane, we have no time to lose. Please save my daughter!” Caden cut to the chase and brought him to the emerald bed on which Sheila laid.

“Mr. Murray, didn’t you agree to let me cure her? What is the meaning of this?” Dustin was not happy with the turn of events.

“Young man, I appreciate your good intentions. However, since we have Dr. Shane here, I will not put my daughter at risk. You may take your leave now,” Caden said.

“Mr. Murray, this isn’t right. You were the one who requested my help to cure your daughter, and now you’re backing out on your promise? This really isn’t right.” Dustin’s eyes narrowed.

“What do you mean it isn’t right? Do you really think that someone like you can compare to Dr. Shane?” Xavier asked with disdain.

“Young man, I have the freedom to get whomever I please to cure my daughter. And as compared to you, I’d much rather trust Dr. Shane here, with the task,” Caden sald frankly.

Had he not been at his wits‘ end, he would never have asked this rascal for help.

“It’s alright that you got someone else to cure your daughter, Mr. Murray, but the Gozoraberry that you promised me…”

Caden cut him off mid–sentence. “You didn’t do anything, why should you have the Gozoraberry? Do you think you deserve it?”

“So you’re going back on your words?” Dustin frowned.

Dustin was not a short–tempered person, but ungrateful people like Caden never failed to get on his nerves.

“Young man, cut the nonsense. Isn’t it just the money you’re after? Guards, bring him 2 million dollars!”

On Caden’s orders, his guards soon came back with two cases of cash. “Here, take this as your payment for helping Sheila. From now on, we’re square.”

“Don’t you hear that? Take the money and leave. Now!” Xavier roared.

“Hahahaha!” Dustin suddenly broke out in laughter. But his eyes were cold and icy.

“What a good strategy you have there, Mr. Murray. How unfortunate for you though, you’re being overly optimistic. Do you really think that Malcolm Shane can cure your daughter?”

A commotion broke out the moment he said that.

“You rascal! Have you any idea what you’ve just said? This is Dr. Shane we’re talking about! There have not been conditions that he has been unable to cure thus far!”

“That’s right! What an insolent young man! If Dr. Shane can’t cure her, do you think that you can?”

“Where did this scoundrel come from? What cheek he has to doubt Dr. Shane!”

Chapter 159

The doctors gathered around to reprimand Dustin.

“Young man, may I know from whom you learned your skills? How dare you brag in front of everyone?” Malcolm gave him a once over, obviously displeased.

In all the years he practiced his medical skills, he had never once been doubted. Much less by a rascal who was still wet behind the ears!

 “Hah! You overestimate yourself! How dare you put on airs in front of Dr. Shane? You’re really asking for it!” Xavier said in a hostile manner.

“Young man, I do not know where you got the confidence to doubt Dr. Shane, but I would like you to please leave now. Do not disrupt him from saving my daughter!” Caden spoke sternly with an annoyed expression. How dare this fellow tried to take advantage of his benevolence?

“There’s no need to drive him out. Let him stay and watch. Since he doubts my skills, I’ll show him what I’m capable of!” Malcolm stood with his hands behind his back.

“As expected of Dr. Shane! He carries himself with such dignity and confidence!” The doctors flattered him excessively.

As Malcolm has spoken, Caden did not go against his wishes and allowed Dustin’s presence.

“I’m so sorry to have made you come here for nothing, buddy. If Sheila ends up fine, I’ll try to talk to Caden about the Gozora berry and see if you can have it.” Lily brought Dustin to one side and apologized sincerely.

This was the man who had saved her daughter. Lily knew that she owed it to him, and would like to repay him if she could.

“I’d appreciate that, Mrs. Murray,” Dustin’s expression eased up.

There was finally someone who spoke sense in the family.

“Dr. Shane, let’s not wait any longer. Please proceed.” Caden waved him over.

Malcolm nodded and sat down beside Sheila’s bed, checking her pulse.

A short while later, he announced confidently, “If I’m not mistaken, the patient is weak and has poor circulation due to the coldness within her, and now, the toxins within her body have accumulated. Once the coldness and toxins in her body are expelled, she will be just fine.”

“And I presume you have the means to do that, Dr. Shane?” Caden asked expectantly.

“Though it’s a little tricky, it’s no big deal for me. I shall perform an acupuncture therapy to expel the coldness and toxins from her body!” Malcolm smiled lightly.

He then took out several needles and swiftly inserted them into Sheila’s skin on her nape, her navel, below her knees, on the base of her feet, and on her back.

His movements were so swift and executed with such ease and skill that his audience was left in awe.

By the time his needles were all in place, wisps of cold air slowly came out of Sheila’s limbs.

“And for the last one!” Malcolm produced a needle that was thicker and longer than the rest and inserted it straight on top of Sheila’s head.

Soon, a great deal of mist emerged from all over Sheila’s skin.

For a brief moment, everyone in the room was surrounded by an eerie chill.

“Alright, the coldness is now expelled. It won’t be long now before the patient comes around,” Malcolm declared confidently.

“No wonder you’re a world–renowned miracle healer. Your acupuncture therapy is just plain magical!” Caden exclaimed excitedly. His gloom and anxiety from earlier on were swept away in an instant.

“That’s right! With Dr. Shane around, any disease or condition can be easily handled!” Xavier was all smiles.

“Hey, you! Do you admit defeat?” Claudia raised her chin at Dustin in a provoking manner.

“How dare he doubt Dr. Shane? He doesn’t know where he stands!” Claudia thought to herself.

Dustin shook his head as he looked at her with contempt.

“Sheila suffered from Polarfrost! That was a rare condition that only came around approximately once in a century! How could it possibly be so easily cured?” He thought to himself.

While everyone was overjoyed, Lily noticed something amiss. “Hey, hasn’t the coldness been expelled? But why does Sheila look even paler than before?”

The doctors gathered around to reprimand Dustin.

“Young man, may I know from whom you learned your skills? How dare you brag in front of everyone?” Malcolm gave him a once over, obviously displeased.

In all the years he practiced his medical skills, he had never once been doubted. Much less by a rascal who was still wet behind the ears!

“Hah! You overestimate yourself! How dare you put on airs in front of Dr. Shane? You’re really asking for it!”

Xavier said in a hostile manner.

“Young man, I do not know where you got the confidence to doubt Dr. Shane, but I would like you to please leave now. Do not disrupt him from saving my daughter!” Caden spoke sternly with an annoyed expression. How dare this fellow tried to take advantage of his benevolence?

“There’s no need to drive him out. Let him stay and watch. Since he doubts my skills, I’ll show him what I’m capable of!” Malcolm stood with his hands behind his back.

“As expected of Dr. Shane! He carries himself with such dignity and confidence!” The doctors flattered him excessively.

As Malcolm has spoken, Caden did not go against his wishes and allowed Dustin’s presence.

“I’m so sorry to have made you come here for nothing, buddy. If Sheila ends up fine, I’ll try to talk to Caden about the Gozoraberry and see if you can have it.” Lily brought Dustin to one side and apologized sincerely.

This was the man who had saved her daughter. Lily knew that she owed it to him, and would like to repay him if she could.

“I’d appreciate that, Mrs. Murray,” Dustin’s expression eased up.

There was finally someone who spoke sense in the family.

“Dr. Shane, let’s not wait any longer. Please proceed.” Caden waved him over.

Malcolm nodded and sat down beside Sheila’s bed, checking her pulse.

A short while later, he announced confidently, “If I’m not mistaken, the patient is weak and has poor circulation due to the coldness within her, and now, the toxins within her body have accumulated. Once the coldness and toxins in her body are expelled, she will be just fine.”

“And I presume you have the means to do that, Dr. Shane?” Caden asked expectantly.

“Though it’s a little tricky, it’s no big deal for me. I shall perform an acupuncture therapy to expel the coldness. and toxins from her body!” Malcolm smiled lightly.

He then took out several needles and swiftly inserted them into Sheila’s skin on her nape, her navel, below her knees, on the base of her feet, and on her back.

His movements were so swift and executed with such ease and skill that his audience was left in awe.

By the time his needles were all in place, wisps of cold air slowly came out of Sheila’s limbs.

“And for the last one!” Malcolm produced a needle that was thicker and longer than the rest and inserted il straight on top of Sheila’s head.

Soon, a great deal of mist emerged from all over Sheila’s skin.

For a brief moment, everyone in the room was surrounded by an eerie chill.

“Alright, the coldness is now expelled. It won’t be long now before the patient comes around,” Malcolm declared confidently.

“No wonder you’re a world–renowned miracle healer. Your acupuncture therapy is just plain magical!” Caden exclaimed excitedly. His gloom and anxiety from earlier on were swept away in an instant.

“That’s right! With Dr. Shane around, any disease or condition can be easily handled!” Xavier was all smiles

“Hey, you! Do you admit defeat?” Claudia raised her chin at Dustin in a provoking manner.

“How dare he doubt Dr. Shane? He doesn’t know where he stands!” Claudia thought to herself.

Dustin shook his head as he looked at her with contempt.

“Sheila suffered from Polarfrost! That was a rare condition that only came around approximately once in a century! How could it possibly be so easily cured?” He thought to himself.

While everyone was overjoyed, Lily noticed something amiss. “Hey, hasn’t the coldness been expelled? But why does Sheila look even paler than before?”

The doctors gathered around to reprimand Dustin.

“Young man, may I know from whom you learned your skills? How dare you brag in front of everyone?” Malcolm gave him a once over, obviously displeased.

In all the years he practiced his medical skills, he had never once been doubted. Much less by a rascal who was still wet behind the ears!

“Hah! You overestimate yourself! How dare you put on airs in front of Dr. Shane? You’re really asking for it!”

Xavier said in a hostile manner.

“Young man, I do not know where you got the confidence to doubt Dr. Shane, but I would like you to please leave now. Do not disrupt him from saving my daughter!” Caden spoke sternly with an annoyed expression. How dare this fellow tried to take advantage of his benevolence?

“There’s no need to drive him out. Let him stay and watch. Since he doubts my skills, I’ll show him what I’m capable of!” Malcolm stood with his hands behind his back.

“As expected of Dr. Shane! He carries himself with such dignity and confidence!” The doctors flattered him excessively.

As Malcolm has spoken, Caden did not go against his wishes and allowed Dustin’s presence.

“I’m so sorry to have made you come here for nothing, buddy. If Sheila ends up fine, I’ll try to talk to Caden about the Gozoraberry and see if you can have it.” Lily brought Dustin to one side and apologized sincerely.

This was the man who had saved her daughter. Lily knew that she owed it to him, and would like to repay him if she could.

“I’d appreciate that, Mrs. Murray,” Dustin’s expression eased up.

There was finally someone who spoke sense in the family.

“Dr. Shane, let’s not wait any longer. Please proceed.” Caden waved him over.

Malcolm nodded and sat down beside Sheila’s bed, checking her pulse.

A short while later, he announced confidently, “If I’m not mistaken, the patient is weak and has poor circulation due to the coldness within her, and now, the toxins within her body have accumulated. Once the coldness and toxins in her body are expelled, she will be just fine.”

“And I presume you have the means to do that, Dr. Shane?” Caden asked expectantly.

“Though it’s a little tricky, it’s no big deal for me. I shall perform an acupuncture therapy to expel the coldness. and toxins from her body!” Malcolm smiled lightly.

He then took out several needles and swiftly inserted them into Sheila’s skin on her nape, her navel, below her knees, on the base of her feet, and on her back.

His movements were so swift and executed with such ease and skill that his audience was left in awe.

By the time his needles were all in place, wisps of cold air slowly came out of Sheila’s limbs.

“And for the last one!” Malcolm produced a needle that was thicker and longer than the rest and inserted it straight on top of Sheila’s head. Soon, a great deal of mist emerged from all over Sheila’s skin.

For a brief moment, everyone in the room was surrounded by an eerie chill.

“Alright, the coldness is now expelled. It won’t be long now before the patient comes around,” Malcolm declared confidently.

“No wonder you’re a world–renowned miracle healer. Your acupuncture therapy is just plain magical!” Caden exclaimed excitedly. His gloom and anxiety from earlier on were swept away in an instant.

“That’s right! With Dr. Shane around, any disease or condition can be easily handled!” Xavier was all smiles

“Hey, you! Do you admit defeat?” Claudia raised her chin at Dustin in a provoking manner.

“How dare he doubt Dr. Shane? He doesn’t know where he stands!” Claudia thought to herself.

Dustin shook his head as he looked at her with contempt.

“Sheila suffered from Polarfrost! That was a rare condition that only came around approximately once in a century! How could it possibly be so easily cured?” He thought to himself.

While everyone was overjoyed, Lily noticed something amiss. “Hey, hasn’t the coldness been expelled? But why does Sheila look even paler than before?”

Chapter 160


Everyone turned to look.

Sure enough, they found her just as Lily said. Sheila, whose condition seemed to have improved a while ago, now looked much paler than before, and more frost had formed on her brows and hair.

From the way things looked, not only had her condition not improved, it even worsened.

“Dr. Shane, whatever is going on?” Caden’s brows knitted together tightly, his expression stern.

“This is most peculiar. Technically speaking, she should be fine after the coldness has been expelled.” Malcolm found Sheila’s condition very strange. She had been fine just a while ago; how did her condition worsen in just the blink of an eye?

“What do we do now, Dr. Shane?” Caden questioned persistently.

“Don’t be anxious. Let me give it another try.” Malcolm didn’t give up just yet. He used the same technique to rid Sheila of the coldness within her.

But the results were the same. In just under three minutes, Sheila’s condition went back to square one. It was as though the coldness within her was never–ending. It was truly bizarre.

“What’s going on?” Malcolm was baffled. It was then that he finally realized the severity of the situation at hand.

“Dr. Shane, it is true that you have amazing needling skills to get rid of the cold, but what you did was just a temporary solution. It will not eradicate the root cause of the issue,” Dustin spoke up.

However, that elicited some dissatisfaction from the onlookers.

“That’s nonsense! Who are you to doubt Dr. Shane’s skills?” Xavier shot him a murderous glare.

“Exactly! You’re just a rascal who’s still wet behind the ears! How dare you speak out of turn so shamelessly?” The crowd was outraged.

Dr. Shane was considered a legendary figure in the medical field! They would not tolerate a random kid criticizing him freely!

“If you do not trust me, then go ahead and try as many times as you wish.” With that, Dustin held his tongue and said no more.

“Oh no! Sheila’s pulse has disappeared!” Lily cried out suddenly.

The crowd turned to look and noticed that she was in very bad shape.

“Dr. Shane! Quick! Save my daughter!” Caden lost his cool and urged Dr. Shane forward.

Malcolm dared not waste another second and immediately applied more needles to Sheila’s pressure points to rid her of the coldness and steady her pulse.

However, the results were not satisfactory, to say the least.

The Polarfrost seemed to always come back no matter what he did, and Dr. Shane was finally rendered helpless.

In all the years he had practiced medicine, he had never seen such a peculiar condition.

“I’m truly sorry, but—I’m afraid I won’t be able to help with this condition.” After a bout of effort to save Sheila, Malcolm could only shake his head in resignation.

“What? You can’t help?” Everyone was bewildered when they heard that. Nobody had expected him to say such a thing.

If such a legendary figure could not help her, then who could?

“Please, Dr. Shane, think of something! You must save my daughter! Right! I have a Gozoraberry! Will that help?

“Caden panicked.

“Gozoraberry?” Malcolm’s eyes lit up but quickly dimmed again.

“No doubt the Gozoraberry is a precious herb with properties to expel coldness and improve circulation, but with how things stand right now, it wouldn’t be of much help anymore.”

The coldness within Sheila seemed unending, and simply expelling it didn’t seem to do the trick.

“Then what should we do? Is there really no hope for my daughter?” Lily was almost in tears.

If even Dr. Shane can’t help them, is there anyone in this world who could?

All of a sudden, she caught sight of Dustin.

In that instant, she seemed to have found a lifeline. “Buddy! Didn’t you say that you were able to cure Sheila?

Please, I beg of you, save my daughter!”

“Mrs. Murray, it’s not that I don’t want to save her; it’s just that some of you do not seem to want me to help!” Dustin said helplessly.

“Young man, it was a mistake on my part earlier on. If you can save my daughter, the entire Murray household would be eternally grateful to you!” Caden’s expression was a mix of emotions.

He was not one to easily yield or admit his mistakes, but for the sake of his daughter, he saw no other choice.

His final hope lay with Dustin.

“Uncle Caden! You don’t really believe this rascal, do you? Even Dr. Shane can’t cure her, how is it possible that this scoundrel can? Don’t be fooled by him!” Xavier lost his composure.

“Well, if I can’t cure her, do you think you can? Dustin gestured for Xavier to go ahead.

“You!” Xavier had no words to refute. He was adept at fighting, but he knew next to nothing about saving and rescuing others.

“Buddy, please try your best to save her. No matter what the outcome is, we can take it!” Lily looked at him with resoluteness, her mind made up and ready to face any consequences.

“I can help her, but when I’m done, I hope Mr. Murray will deliver on his end of the promise.” Dustin approached Sheila, who was still unconscious on her bed and helped her sit up.

With just one hand, he applied needles at 13 different pressure points on Shella’s body. His technique was extraordinary.

When the 13 needles began to rotate on the spot in the pressure points, he gave Sheila a strong smack on the back.

Sheila wavered, her head jerked upwards, and she spat several white crystals, which landed on the ground with a resounding thunk.

The crystals were a murky white color and gave off a bone–chilling mist.

“The coldness has crystallized?” Malcolm’s expression was one of disbellef.

No wonder his acupuncture served no purpose. It turns out that the coldness that Sheila’s body had been absorbing over the years had crystallized!

Those crystals were like a source of evil that emitted an endless stream of coldness. And that was the reason he wasn’t able to remove the source of Sheila’s condition!

Just as the crowd stared on with uncertainty and suspicion, Dustin produced a bamboo cylinder and poured out of it a small, red beetle.

“Hey! What’s that?” Lily was shocked and immediately stopped his actions.

“This is a fiery beetle. It’s a type of venomous insect that feeds on coldness and produces warmth. Once it enters Sheila’s body, it can regulate and balance out her energy,” Dustin explained.

“A venomous insect?” Everyone’s expression changed.

To them, venomous insects were considered evil and dangerous.

“You–You’re going to put this insect into Sheila’s body?” Lily felt her skin crawl.

“Don’t be alarmed. As I’ve said before, the mystic arts can be used to heal too. This is the perfect example.” As Dustin spoke, he proceeded to put the fiery beetle into Sheila’s mouth.

Everyone looked at each other, and for a moment, they were at a loss.

Malcolm, however, had a thoughtful expression.

He had heard of using the mystic arts to heal diseases, but he had never seen anyone actually perform it. Could it be possible that this rascal was really able to work miracles?

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