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 PROLOGUE : Shogun

 PROLOGUE : Shogun The gale tore at him and he felt its bite deep within and he knew that if they did not make landfall in three days they would all be dead. Too many deaths on this voyage, he…

Chapter 217 – 218

Chapter 217 “How did it go, Dad? Is anyone willing to help us?” Matt asked tentatively. “Fuck those bastards! They come wagging their tails as soon as they have something they want and call themselves my friends, but the moment…

Chapter 215- 216

The Immortunol formula would definitely be his soon. “You’re mistaken. I don’t mean it that way.” Roderick uttered calmly. “Huh?” Phineas was puzzled. “What do you mean, then?” “Both of you are here to borrow my money, aren’t you?” Roderick…

Chapter 206 – 210

Chapter 206 “D–Dustin Rhys? How could it be him?!” After learning the truth, Florence and the others looked at each other for a while, disbelief written on their faces. Never in a million years had they considered that it wasn’t…

Chapter 201 – 205

Chapter 201 “James, I’m giving you three seconds to apologize to Caitlyn!” Dustin slowly got to his feet, his expression dark. “Apologize? Who the F*** do you think you are? As if I’m going to apologize just because you asked…

Chapter 196 – 200

Chapter 196 – 200 An Understated Dominance Chapter 196 “H–how could you order them to smack me?” Morgan cradled his face in his palms as disbelief consumed him. “Not only did I get them to hit you, I’m throwing you…

Chapter 191 – 195

Chapter 191 – 195 An Understated Dominance Chapter 191 “What did you just say? A major shareholder?” Julie paused for a moment before she laughed. “Hahaha! Have you lost your marbles, Rhys? You? A major shareholder? What a joke!” “Oh,…

Chapter 186 – 190

Chapter 186 – 190 An Understated Dominance Chapter 186 “That fellow really dared to come? He really doesn’t treasure his life!” “Your bravery is commendable. But showing up here is a foolish move!” The crowd erupted into an uproar, with…

Chapter 181 – 185

Chapter 181 – 185 An Understated Dominance Chapter 181 “S–so that was a charm after all?” Everyone at the scene was frozen in place as they stared at the red snake that Xavier vomited. One by one, their faces showed…

Chapter 176 – 180

Chapter 176 – 180 An Understated Dominance Chapter 176 “Ruth, when did you get a boyfriend? Why wasn’t I informed?” Nigel’s face turned ugly as he stared at Dustin with hostility. “Do I need to report to you when I…

Chapter 171 – 175

Chapter 171 – 175 An Understated Dominance Chapter 171 At the Hummer family’s press conference, the once bustling hall began to slowly empty out. Initially, everyone was talking about Eternumax, but gradually the conversation switched to another topic. “Hey, have…

Chapter 166 – 170

Chapter 166 – 170 An Understated Dominance Chapter 166 Malcolm was surprised that Natasha actually accepted the needles so readily. Was she not going to at least act modest by declining his offer? “Before I forget, Dr. Shane, since you…

Chapter 161 – 165

Chapter 161 – 165 An Understated Dominance Chapter 161 Everyone watched wide–eyed as Dustin administered the fiery beetle. The moment it entered Sheila’s body, the effect was immediate. The cold air around her began to dissipate, and in less than…

Chapter 156 – 160

Chapter 156 – 160 An Understated Dominance Chapter 156 “What? How did this happen?” Caden’s expression clouded over as he leaped up instantly. “I–I don’t know! I found her out cold when I went to wake her up this morning.”…

Chapter 151 – 155

Chapter 151 – 155 An Understated Dominance Chapter 151 Back at the Peaceful Medical Center, Dustin downed glass after glass of wine without stopping, trying to numb himself with alcohol. Although he was expressionless, inwardly he couldn’t help feeling frustrated.…

Chapter 146 – 150

Chapter 146 – 150 An Understated Dominance Chapter 146 “Huh?!” James” jaw dropped to the floor looking at the representatives from the Hummer family kneeling toward him. Everyone’s eyes were as big as saucers as they stared in disbelief. Who…

Chapter 141 – 145

Chapter 141 – 145 An Understated Dominance Chapter 141 “Who is it?” The sudden explosion caught everyone by surprise. Initially, they thought someone had committed suicide by jumping off the building. However, after a good look, they realized the figure…

Chapter 136 – 140

Chapter 136 – 140 An Understated Dominance Chapter 136 “Whoosh!” Troy felt a strong gust of wind hit his face, causing his features to contort in pain as he could feel his bone becoming dislocated. His eyes were fixed on…

Chapter 131 – 135

Chapter 131 – 135 An Understated Dominance Chapter 131 “You whore! How dare you seduce my boyfriend? I’ll make your life a living hell! Tina kept forcing the wine on Dahlia, humiliating her before the crowd. She was rough and…

Chapter 126 – 130

Chapter 126 – 130 An Understated Dominance Chapter 126 “This fellow really hit the jackpot! I can’t believe he really found a Blood Luminianth Root!” “I know right? With a treasure like that, he won’t have to worry for the…

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